There are times when you just can not get away from your ex. I received an email from a listener/viewer asking for help on his particular situation. He is in his third year of university and has recently broken up with his live-in girlfriend. They are in the same school and run in the same friend circle. The viewer is doing better but every time he runs into his ex or has a friend bring her up in conversation it takes him back down.
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Table of Contents
Introduction to the podcast
00:34 – This podcast started out as a video response to a subscriber email. The video end up being over 30 minutes so I’ve decide to convert it into a podcast instead.
Stuck surround by ex
01:20 – I read through the email. The user is not a dad or going through a divorce. Although he is not the target demographic for the channel the information is still relevant.
People generally pick sides
06:00 – People generally pick sides. Although they may be friendly with both once the “battle” starts people pick their loyalties. This can also be difficult because if you a “couple” one may side with the stronger “story” to save their relationship at the cost of yours.
Taking up your mental energy
11:31 – The viewer writes about how this is taking a lot of his mental energy and to cope he is becoming a bit of a recluse to stay away from the constant reminders
Seek out friends who are not tainted
17:59 – If possible seek out friends who have not been tainted by this experience. You still must be careful what you say to any mutual friends but you may be able to salvage some relationships.
Coming to grips with what has been lost
23:56 – It is really difficult when you have constant reminders of things lost. Coming to grips with that loss and being able to make your peace with it can go a long way to making things more bearable. You have to give yourself time to heal so if being around any reminder is too much then weigh that cost with not being around other people. It can take a while to make your peace but it can also start to empower you when you realize their emotional control over you starts to dissipate.
End of show wrap-up
33:24 – End of show wrap up