
Break the Cycle with DSD Beware of the “nice” and struggling with co-parenting counseling

Break the Cycle with DSD Beware of the “nice” and struggling with co-parenting counseling
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD Beware of the “nice” and struggling with co-parenting counseling

In today’s show Duane takes two callers one who is struggling dealing with the “nice” from their ex after his victory in court and then a caller who is court ordered to do co-parenting counseling and needs a strategy going

Break the Cycle with DSD Financial Sanity and playing the “long game”

Break the Cycle with DSD Financial Sanity and playing the “long game”
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD Financial Sanity and playing the “long game”

Talking finances and how to surviving the family court machine by focusing on the long game and making better decisions by re-baselining your life — Support this podcast:

Break the Cycle with DSD Struggling with anxiety and fining support

Break the Cycle with DSD Struggling with anxiety and fining support
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD Struggling with anxiety and fining support

On today’s Labor Day show we start out with a call struggling with their ex ignoring and rejecting their child. Duane then rants about why these people just can’t even pretend to actually love their children. A listener then asks

Break the Cycle with DSD Creative ways to bond with your kids

Break the Cycle with DSD Creative ways to bond with your kids
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD Creative ways to bond with your kids

Today’s Friday show starts with tips to bond with your children when you have limited to no funds. The key is giving them your time and attention and it can be a critical step in defending against parental alienation. Duane

Break the Cycle with DSD Disneyland Dad is it a bad thing?

Break the Cycle with DSD Disneyland Dad is it a bad thing?
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD Disneyland Dad is it a bad thing?

On today’s episode Duane starts off talking about the concept of “Disneyland Dad” and how no matter what you do a toxic ex is going to shame and ridicule everything you go. We then dive into the issue of how

Break the Cycle with DSD Ex putting on “great parent” show

Break the Cycle with DSD Ex putting on “great parent” show
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD Ex putting on “great parent” show

Duane starts today’s show talking about how a narcissistic parent can put on a show and have people think they are a great and attentive parent. We then tackle a question for a listener who is struggling with trust issues.

Break the Cycle with DSD The Struggles of Family Court

Break the Cycle with DSD The Struggles of Family Court
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD The Struggles of Family Court

In today’s show Duane tackles the topic of family court issues. The show starts with a viewer asking what to expect in family court. Duane then shares a viewers story of perseverance and ultimate success through the system. He then

Break the Cycle with DSD Double Binds and how to deal with them

Break the Cycle with DSD Double Binds and how to deal with them
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD Double Binds and how to deal with them

Narcissists are experts at creating and exploiting double binds. In today’s episode we start by talking about a viewer who is worried their spouse has compromised their phone, computer, and emails. Duane then mentions a schedule collaboration with Kris Godinez

Break the Cycle with DSD How to find a good therapist ft. Kris Godinez

Break the Cycle with DSD How to find a good therapist ft. Kris Godinez
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD How to find a good therapist ft. Kris Godinez

In this show Duane is joined by Kris Godinez from We Need to Talk with Kris Godinez show. Kris is a licensed professional counselor in Arizona and has a thriving practice there. Duane and Kris talk about the importance of

Break the Cycle with DSD Making the best decisions possible

Break the Cycle with DSD Making the best decisions possible
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD Making the best decisions possible

In today’s show we tackle a lot of the issues that complicate making “good” decisions. We oftentimes get stuck trying to prove to ourselves what we are really dealing with. The discussion starts off with a question of, “what is