
Break the Cycle with DSD 176: 176. Getting close to summer vacation and graduations

Break the Cycle with DSD 176: 176. Getting close to summer vacation and graduations
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 176: 176. Getting close to summer vacation and graduations

Getting close to summer vacation and graduations ☎ For one on one coaching – ❋ Become a channel member! – 📱Text “DSDLIVE” to 1-844-598-0012 for text notifications 🏕Camping Channel – ⚠️DISCLAIMER – Links used in this description

Break the Cycle with DSD 175: 175. 🔥 Catastrophe Alert: Embrace Your Feelings and Overcome Them!

Break the Cycle with DSD 175: 175. 🔥 Catastrophe Alert: Embrace Your Feelings and Overcome Them!
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 175: 175. 🔥 Catastrophe Alert: Embrace Your Feelings and Overcome Them!

Catastrophic emotions can send you on a dark path! Show Notes Oftentimes when going through a narcissistic divorce you can fall into the trap of thinking and feeling everything is catastrophic. This is a dangerous place to be in and

Break the Cycle with DSD 174: 174. Discussion in taking your life back and being done

Break the Cycle with DSD 174: 174. Discussion in taking your life back and being done
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 174: 174. Discussion in taking your life back and being done

Duane talks about almost being “done” with family court and how life is going to be afterward. Show Notes In this improtu episode Duane discusses being “almost done” with family court, custody, and child support. The decade long experience is

Break the Cycle with DSD 173: 173. Getting to the other side of a toxic narcissistic divorce

Break the Cycle with DSD 173: 173. Getting to the other side of a toxic narcissistic divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 173: 173. Getting to the other side of a toxic narcissistic divorce

Show Summary In this episode Duane discusses the difficulties of seeing a way through a high conflict divorce with a toxic narcissist person. Part of the problem Show Notes A discussion on how to get to the other side of

Break the Cycle with DSD 172: 172. Being present in the moment and breaking the chaos

Break the Cycle with DSD 172: 172. Being present in the moment and breaking the chaos
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 172: 172. Being present in the moment and breaking the chaos

A discussion about how being present in the moment can be a catalyst to getting your life back Show Notes In this episode Duane discusses the topic of being present in the moment and how that can be a critical

Break the Cycle with DSD 171: 171. What to do when they don’t pay their “half”

Break the Cycle with DSD 171: 171. What to do when they don’t pay their “half”
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 171: 171. What to do when they don’t pay their “half”

Toxic narcissistic abusive people will use the children’s medical bills to continue abuse Show Notes Duane receives a question about how I dealt with the continued finical abuse through medical billing. In this podcast Duane talks about the importances of

Break the Cycle with DSD 170: 170. Angie Atkinson Grief Stress and Healing

Break the Cycle with DSD 170: 170. Angie Atkinson Grief Stress and Healing
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 170: 170. Angie Atkinson Grief Stress and Healing

YouTuber and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach Angie Atkinson passed away Sunday, November 27th Show Notes In this show Duane takes a moment to recognize the loss of Angie Atkinson and the impact she has had on the narcissistic abuse recovery

Break the Cycle with DSD 169: 169. Timeline for my recovery | response to listener question

Break the Cycle with DSD 169: 169. Timeline for my recovery | response to listener question
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 169: 169. Timeline for my recovery | response to listener question

Show Summary A response to a listener who wants to know the timelines of recovery from toxic narcissistic abuse/divorce Show Notes In this discussion Duane answers a listener question who asks how long the divorce process was, the length of

Break the Cycle with DSD 168: 168. How do you make it through a high conflict narcissistic divorce

Break the Cycle with DSD 168: 168. How do you make it through a high conflict narcissistic divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 168: 168. How do you make it through a high conflict narcissistic divorce

A discussion about the steps Duane when through to go from the anger, bitterness, and despair of a high conflict narcissistic divorce to where he is now. Show Notes The hardest part of recovering from a high conflict narcissistic divorce

Break the Cycle with DSD 167: 167. The Dangers of breaking No Contact

Break the Cycle with DSD 167: 167. The Dangers of breaking No Contact
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 167: 167. The Dangers of breaking No Contact

A viewer shares their story of breaking “no contact” with their ex and how it stalled their healing! Show Notes A listener shares their story of breaking 3 months of No Contact to meet up with their ex. They thought