Covert Narcissistic Abuse Breaks Us At Our Core
When we go through covert narcissistic emotional abuse it will break us down to our core. These evil predators have no guilt, remorse or empathy for what they are putting their targets through. As a target myself and continuing to struggle with this because of our children it has taken a lot of perseverance to survive. As we grapple with what we have been subjected to and try to understand the why it can feel overwhelming.
Our Relationship and Marriage Was An Illusion
The key when recovering from this emotional abuse is to accept that the reason is they have a problem. These behaviors or only focused on their own fuel and supply needs and we, as are our children, just collateral damage. Once we realize our relationship and marriage was an illusion, a charade and that we didn’t truly mean anything to them other than fuel we can begin to recover.
This is a difficult concept to wrap our minds around and it is normal to struggle with the understanding and reality. There will also times where you continue to struggle with the reality and illusion and again that is a norma part of this process. It is important to accept this and to give yourself time to grieve and adjust to what you have just been through. It is critically important when you have children because you need to have a stable and loving environment to help your children through this as well.
It Takes Incredible Perseverance To Overcome This Abuse
Recovery from a covert narcissistic abusive divorce is wrought with complications from smear campaigns, triangulation with children, false allegations and the realization you were living a lie. It takes incredible perseverance to navigate these struggles and come through the other side. The above playlist provides a consolidated list of videos to help you through these struggles. Bottom line the message is you can overcome these obstacles, you can have your life back, and you will create a better environment and relationship with your children.