Break the Cycle with DSD 162: 162. Pushing buttons for control and Parental Alienation

Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 162: 162. Pushing buttons for control and Parental Alienation

In this show we discuss how a toxic narcissistic ex will use the information they know about you to push your buttons

Show Notes

Duane discusses how a toxic narcissistic ex will use they information they’ve learned about you to target how to push your buttons and get a reaction from you. It is important to understand what they are doing, why they are doing it, and how to effectively respond and react to it. We then take a caller who is struggling with the fact the ex has married his ex-best-friend and exposed their lies of infidelity. A caller shares how he wants to have a relationship with his adult children ages 21 and 23 that he hasn’t seen for 8 years. Finally we have a caller who shares how they (father) have won an enforcement order for their 17 1/2 year old son to come live with them and how the potentially borderline ex has continually demonstrated a “borderline” pattern of behavior.


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Table of Contents

00:00 – Start of Show

03:02 – How they push our buttons for reactions and control

09:04 – Caller – Ex is marrying my best friend and who she cheated with

32:34 – Caller – Hasn’t see his children for 8 years

48:42 – Caller – Court ordered 17 1/2 son to follow court order and live with dad

56:44 – Take your time before you start dating again

59:00 – End of show wrap-up

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Break the Cycle with DSD 162: 162. Pushing buttons for control and Parental Alienation

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