Break the Cycle with DSD Focusing on your own path

Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD Focusing on your own path

In today’s show Duane starts by talking about personal accountability and focusing on your own path. Too often people start to focus on the “problems” of others instead of doing the work on themselves. He then discusses a comment where a listener is concerned if it is okay to ignore a the person they broke up with. We then have a caller who is celebrating 27 days free from the narcissist and is in their own place. Duane then discusses the phases of divorce and how learning can be VERY helpful in minimizing mistakes. A listener is having an issue dealing with emotional triggers in the early days of divorce. We have a return caller feeling down from the constant stress and pressure. Duane addresses a listener comment who is VERY angry about child support and how the funds are not used on the kids. The show takes a caller who has been gaslit by their ex and provoked to act which could be used against them. Finally Duane discusses how narcissistic people push boundaries and how we have to gauge their actions against their words.

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Break the Cycle with DSD Focusing on your own path

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