Break the Cycle with DSD How to find a good therapist ft. Kris Godinez

Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD How to find a good therapist ft. Kris Godinez

In this show Duane is joined by Kris Godinez from We Need to Talk with Kris Godinez show. Kris is a licensed professional counselor in Arizona and has a thriving practice there. Duane and Kris talk about the importance of therapy and some of the key things to look for when interviewing a therapist. They dive into the importance of rapport and the markings of a good trauma therapist. Kris then discusses how there are narcissists in the profession and how important it is to trust your gut. They then talk about how in the education system they tend to no teach about personality disorders. Kris then talks bout the “process” and how the client has to take responsibility for their progress and setting clear goals. Duane and Kris then talk about the original wound and how it is the key to recovery. This leads into a discussion about how fear stops people from growing. They wrap up with the importance of “doing the work” and how a therapist is never going to work more than the client, basically the client sets the pace.

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Break the Cycle with DSD How to find a good therapist ft. Kris Godinez

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