Break the Cycle with DSD Making the best decisions possible

Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD Making the best decisions possible

In today’s show we tackle a lot of the issues that complicate making “good” decisions. We oftentimes get stuck trying to prove to ourselves what we are really dealing with. The discussion starts off with a question of, “what is the red pill”. Duane dives into the origins from the movie “The Matrix” and then how it pertains to our situation. We then cover a question where one listener’s son is saying he “wants a new mommy”. Duane then talks about how he was programmed to think his own father was a “bad guy”. Duane then brings Debby in as a guest for a bit of the show. We then go into the question of why do we keep “touching the hot pan” and why it takes a while to “learn the lesson” and trust what is real. We finish up talking about taking the time to heal and how you really owe it to yourself to “jump in” the water and get the work done!

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Break the Cycle with DSD Making the best decisions possible

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