Break the Cycle with DSD Playing the narcissist’s game | stop beating your head against the wall

Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD Playing the narcissist’s game | stop beating your head against the wall

We start the week talking about how playing the narcissist’s game is a losing battle. You will end up beating your head against the wall trying to get a better outcome and how it holds you back. Duane briefly talks about how Caleb Leverett is doing after his cryptic video posted over the weekend. Move on to discussing how to develop and implement new routines. Speaking of moving on, we look at the difficult of being able to “move on”. Duane discusses a bit of his experience with fighting back over medical billing and collection issues. We briefly discuss MGTOW and how that is a slippery slope. We finish up with a caller wanting to know when does this all stop!

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Break the Cycle with DSD Playing the narcissist’s game | stop beating your head against the wall

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