Break the Cycle with DSD Understand who the toxic narcissist is and remember what your are really going for | focus on what is important to you

Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD Understand who the toxic narcissist is and remember what your are really going for | focus on what is important to you

It is important to remember and understand what a toxic narcissistic person is, what they typically do, and how they are going to react. This is important because it can help you keep in perspective the bizarre and potentially evil reactions and responses you might get from a toxic person. Coupled with this you need to write down and annotate what is truly important in your situation and what you are really going for. This could mean custody, or maybe money, retirement, assets, property, heirlooms, and then even special events and vacations. All of this information can help you stay focused on what you really want to accomplish and why your ex is responding or reacting the way they are.

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Break the Cycle with DSD Understand who the toxic narcissist is and remember what your are really going for | focus on what is important to you

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