
Break the Cycle with DSD 186: 186. Pushed to your breaking point

Break the Cycle with DSD 186: 186. Pushed to your breaking point
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 186: 186. Pushed to your breaking point

Toxic narcissistic people thrive off of generating pain, misery, and controlling their target. Show Notes In this podcast we discuss how a toxic narcissistic relationship will push you to your breaking point. Even before the relationship ends the stress and

Break the Cycle with DSD 185: 185. Don’t lose your sanity in a toxic divorce

Break the Cycle with DSD 185: 185. Don’t lose your sanity in a toxic divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 185: 185. Don't lose your sanity in a toxic divorce

A high conflict narcissistic divorce can make you start to question your sanity and in this show we discuss the realities of this and ways around it. Show Notes Duane discusses the hardships of going through a high conflict narcissistic

Break the Cycle with DSD 184: 184. Narcissists won’t stop | parental alienation is always a risk

Break the Cycle with DSD 184: 184. Narcissists won’t stop | parental alienation is always a risk
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 184: 184. Narcissists won’t stop | parental alienation is always a risk

A narcissist will always be looking for wedge issues to exploit. Parental alienation is always a concern Show Notes In this show Duane talks about the reality of how high conflict narcissistic ex’s will always be looking for wedge issues

Break the Cycle with DSD 183. Jame Brashear verdict for the John Mast killing!

Break the Cycle with DSD 183. Jame Brashear verdict for the John Mast killing!
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 183. Jame Brashear verdict for the John Mast killing!

A discussion about the voluntary manslaughter conviction of James Brashear in the killing of John Mast. Show Notes In this discussion Duane discusses the jury verdict for Jame Brashear in the killing of John Mast during a scheduled custody exchange

Break the Cycle with DSD 182: 182. Validation is important but don’t stay a victim!

Break the Cycle with DSD 182: 182. Validation is important but don’t stay a victim!
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 182: 182. Validation is important but don’t stay a victim!

We discuss the live changing experience validation provides when we learn about the reality of personality disorders and their patterns of behaviors. Show Notes Validation is a very important part of the healing process after a high conflict narcissistic divorce

Break the Cycle with DSD 181: 181. Watch for narcissistic traps!

Break the Cycle with DSD 181: 181. Watch for narcissistic traps!
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 181: 181. Watch for narcissistic traps!

Discussion of the importance in watching for narcissistic traps in their search for narcissistic supply and control! Show Notes High conflict narcissistic people unfortunately. This is recurring issue that you will probably experience from personal relationships, ex spouses, family members,

Break the Cycle with DSD 180: 180. How do you define success after a narcissistic toxic divorce?

Break the Cycle with DSD 180: 180. How do you define success after a narcissistic toxic divorce?
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 180: 180. How do you define success after a narcissistic toxic divorce?

A discussion on defining “victory” while going through a toxic narcissistic divorce. Show Notes This discussion starts with a look at perspective and how we look at things when we are going through a toxic narcissistic divorce. It really is

Break the Cycle with DSD 179: 179. Can everything actually work out?

Break the Cycle with DSD 179: 179. Can everything actually work out?
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 179: 179. Can everything actually work out?

Can everything actually work out? ❋ Support the Channel Donate through PayPal ( DSD Channel Memberships ( ☎ 1-424-373-5483 or 1-424-DSD-LIVE International Calling use this for free calling ❋ Sign up for text notifications ☎ Text “DSDLIVE” to (844)

Break the Cycle with DSD 178: 178. Stop second guessing why you fought for your kids

Break the Cycle with DSD 178: 178. Stop second guessing why you fought for your kids
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 178: 178. Stop second guessing why you fought for your kids

Stop second guessing why you fought for your kids ☎ For one on one coaching – ❋ Become a channel member! – 📱Text “DSDLIVE” to 1-844-598-0012 for text notifications 🏕Camping Channel – ⚠️DISCLAIMER – Links used in

Break the Cycle with DSD 177: 177. Coping with narcissistic in-laws and their influence on our ex and lives!

Break the Cycle with DSD 177: 177. Coping with narcissistic in-laws and their influence on our ex and lives!
Dad Surviving Divorce
Dad Surviving Divorce
Break the Cycle with DSD 177: 177. Coping with narcissistic in-laws and their influence on our ex and lives!

Coping with narcissistic in-laws and their influence on our ex and lives! ☎ For one on one coaching – ❋ Become a channel member! – 📱Text “DSDLIVE” to 1-844-598-0012 for text notifications 🏕Camping Channel – ⚠️DISCLAIMER –