Resources for Narcissistic Emotional Abuse Recovery

Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends by Bruce Fisher & Robert Alberti

Now if you’ve watch any of my livestreams you have probably already heard me talk about this book! Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends by Bruce Fisher and Robert Alberti has been a very important part of my recovery and understanding of how I got in this mess in the first place. It is a book and a workbook with exercises at the end of each chapter to help you really see how your progress is going. This book opened my eyes to why I attracted certain people, not just romantic relationships, and what I needed to do to start to change that.

Hypnosis Downloads & Uncommon Knowledge

There was a period of time BEFORE I became aware of personality disorders that I was just crashing. It seemed as if every day was worse than the pervious and I could not break free from my own mind. A long time friend of mine who had watched me spiral out of control for months basically said, “Man, you have to try something different. Maybe you should do hypnosis.” At that time my desperation was high and I was open to try different things to help me break free. I found Uncommon Knowledge and purchased the following hypnosis files and it really started to help.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This book isn’t about divorce, emotional abuse, or even narcissism but it was the book that really started me on the journey of finding a good life. You may have heard of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho before, I was introduced to it about 10 years ago. It really spoke to me about the life journeys and how life is really a test to see if you really want something and are willing to keep going for it or if you are going to give up. I would highly recommend this book as a way to reflect on your life and to change – plus it’s a really good fictional story where you follow the main characters journey through an extraordinary life.


Divorce Poison by Dr. Richard Warshak

This was the first book that was handed to me when I started my divorce. A friend of mine has struggled through his divorce and custody battle and his relationship with his children was basically destroyed. For him Divorce Poison by Dr. Richard Warshak helped him understand what was going on and offered techniques to help him cope. Having a resource such as this in the beginning stages can be a godsend to make sure you modify your tactics when trying to deal with your ex AND with your children.

When I first read this book I didn’t understand narcissism or narcissistic personality disorders. It wasn’t until much later that I discovered personality disorders and their effects on parenting, divorce, and life.

M.E.A.N. Workbook

The M.E.A.N workbook is a project I collaborated with Paul Colaianni from The Overwhelmed Brain podcast. His show is a personal growth show designed for people who want to better their lives by questioning what doesn’t work and changing behavior. His audience had asked for help in identifying emotional manipulation and toxic relationships and Paul created this workbook for that need.

Personally I know how difficult it is to really determine if you are in fact in a toxic relationship and being emotionally manipulated so when Paul reached out to me I was excited to participate. The purpose of this workbook and subsequence bonus material (with interviews with yours truly) to further help people struggling with this question.

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